IHE Advisory Partner (For Individual Educators Employed by Louisiana IHEs)
Amount: $5,000.00
Funding Source(s): Department of Education
Duration of Contract: April 01, 2018 - March 31, 2019
Respond By: Feb 23, 2018
Categories: Education
CFDA Number:
/ Award Type: Professional Contract
Agency: Louisiana Department of Education
Scope of Service:
The Louisiana Department of Education is accepting applications from individual educators at IHEs with experience in special education and/or English language arts (ELA) instruction to serve as IHE Advisory Partners. IHE Advisory Partners will play an influential role in improving access to high quality instruction and curricula for diverse learners, specifically students with disabilities, in grades three through five, across Louisiana. \
To learn more about the opportunity and how to apply please go to: https://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/academics. Look under the "SPECIAL EDUCATION RELATED BULLETINS/POLICY GUIDELINES" section and click on the link for "IHE Advisory Partner Application SPDG". If you have additional questions or need additional assistance please email Kristi-Jo Preston at kristijo.preston@la.gov