2018 True Blue Drew book and training
Amount: $0.00
Funding Source(s): Private Funding
Duration of Contract: January 08, 2018 - June 29, 2018
Respond By: Jan 08, 2018
Categories: Law, Justice and Legal Services,Other
CFDA Number:
/ Award Type: Professional Contract
Agency: Louisiana State Police
Scope of Service:
Goal: To provide legal training to LSP Troopers and DPS Police Officers relating to Search & Seizure, Title 14, and Title 32. An emphasis will be made on new case law and recent statutory changes. All attendees will receive a copy of the 2018 True Blue Drew book.\
Objectives: 1. To provide updated training to LSP Troopers and DPS Police Officers on new case law and statutory changes related to Search & Seizure, Title 14, and Title 32. 2. To decrease the potential liability of Troopers/Officers by eliminating improper searches and seizures under outdated laws.